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The Best Part of my life :D

Everyone always does the best for their ambitions or daily activities. They always give the big effort for it. Sometimes, someone can get a best news like achievement in their job, school etc. All of achievements are unforgetable. In this case, I will explain how my feeling when I heard a best news. This was about my partner and me, when we became the winner of science competition.

When I was in Senior High School, I followed “Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Kelautan Tingkat Nasional”. That competition was held by Hang Tuah University, in Surabaya, East of Java. My friend, Aziz he was my partner. We received a telegram letter from the crew of event. It meant that we could presentate our experiments. 2 months before it, Aziz and I wrote a papers. The papers was about coral reefs. 
Our experiments observed how the condition of coral reefs in Pasir Putih beach, South of Sumatra. Then we sent it by post office. We had to wait until the crew sent us a telegram letter because it meant that our succeed went to the next step that was presentation. Mr. Sahid Ali, Mr. Silvian they were my teachers who accompanied us set off to Surabaya. We went to Surabaya by school car. Then, on Wednesday April 26, 2012 Aziz and I presentated our experiments in front of 4 Adjudicators and 24 other teams. It was made me nerveous totally. How come, we were the only finalists from Yogyakarta. Although I felt nerveous I tried to did my best.

 The crew gave us 3 minutes to presentate, 2 minutes to answer the adjudicator’s question.. I presentated all the material, Aziz operated the powerpoint slides. I was using that limited times maximality. The mic became wet because my nerveousness. It was not aesy to answered all the question with science rule. We had to answer clearly. Until 25 teams (included my team) finished their presentations the crew would announce who the winner was. As I knew, the  other teams were very great. They had a great experiments . They were perform perfectly.
 I was not hoping too much to be the winner. Mr. Sahid Ali  said that if the crew called us to come in front of audiences as the winner, he would give us awards to visited Madura Island, through Suramadu bridge then ate seafood from Madura. It sounded great, also be our motivations to increase our self-confidents. 

This was time to announced who would be the winner. Unpredictable, Aziz and I be the third winner. I kneeled thanks to God. This was the best news that I ever heard. We got a trophy, certificate, some money. After it Mr. Sahid Ali and Mr.Silvian asked us to Madura Island. We ate seafood then back to Yogyakarta. Tomorrow morning at 5.00 am we arrived in Yogyakarta. It was really tired activities. We spent 4 days to set off to Surabaya, presentated the material, then back to Yogyakarta. All of our achievements made this tired paid off. 

In short, this was unforgetable moment, as the best news that I ever heard in my life. Start from the telegram letter until the crew announced we won. I believe that every person will happy if they get a best news in their life. All of achievements of person will be great experience too. 


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