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Analytical Essay : Teacher's diary film ! (my task :p )

Thailand is one of the Asian countries which has many contributions in art work. “Thai” (Thailand people) like to create a film such as ; horror, romantic, comedy, etc. All of their art work are well-known in Indonesia. I will analyse Thailand film. The title is Teacher’s Diary. The title itself known as Khit Thueng Witthaya in Thailand was produced in 2014. This essay will show the moral value from Teacher’s diary.

            Teacher’s diary was a typical romantic comedy. The major characters were Mrs. Ann and Mr. Song. They were teachers of  elementary school in Thailand. They had the same destiny. Their trouble caused, a headmaster moved them to floating school. Mrs. Ann as the first teacher who was moving because she had a tattoo in her hand. Mrs. Ann must paid her mistake to taught a student at floating school. It was miserable for her. The school was too far from central city. The building was broken in every parts. The school had not a good class including a table and a chair. It was not easy to find a clean water. There was not electric too. Mrs. Ann must adaptated in unusual situation. Everyday, she always wrote a diary. She wrote when she taught her students, she cooked with her students , slept together, having a joke, and also her love story.  Until the time, Mrs. Ann was moving to another school which had a good facilities and great students. Mr.Song as the second teacher who taught at floating school because he was using his student’s toy and the headmaster saw it. So, to paid his mistake the headmaster asked him to taught at floating school. Mr. Song really shocked when he must taught in isolated rural spot. He treated his students rudely. He found Mrs. Ann’s diary. He read it page by page and he understood how to teach their students, how to adaptated in this situation. But he also understand how to deal with heartbreak. Everiday, He was practicing all of Mrs.Ann’s ways. Time passed, Mr. Song found himself fell for Mrs. Ann without ever seeing her face or hearing her voice. Mr. Song did anything to his students like Mrs. Ann did. They became a great teacher who had a big effort to survive and kept their students. They fought how to made all of students are graduated from elementary school. Mr. Song wanted to met with Mrs. Ann but it took long times. Mrs. Ann in central city and Mrs. Song at floating school. The last, they could meet at floating school. It was full of emotions.

            The moral values of this film are a good teacher is not about “how to teach” but “how to be a part of student” and “how to do anything to help a student even they must deal with bad conditions”. On the other side, Mr.Song is falling to Mr.Ann just because he read Mrs. Ann’s diary. It showed to us, love is not only about physical appearance. From Mrs. Ann’s diary, Mr. Song knew her attitude. Most teacher in every school think that the main role of teacher is teaching. Yes, that is true. But, they don’t understand how to be closer to students. How to be a part of them. Mrs. Ann and Mr. Song showed us that even if they are a teacher they could be a friend to their students. The fact in this world too, there is a person who love someone by his/her physical appearance. It is rarely to love someone without seeing their face and hearing their voice. Mr. Song’s love made me and other audiences learnt about “the meaning of love” itself.

            In conclusion, this film is very recommended for watching. It had two moral values at once. How to be a great teacher, and how to know a meaning of love. Everyone is available to watch it. Because the love story is not over, it is just ordinary love. So, it is safe for a child (I mean, elementary students).


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